Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My First Post (ever)

OMG. The weirdest thing had happened. I actually created a blogsite. This is very much against my principle. Next thing you know, I have a Facebook account! OMG! Let's not go that far...

Well. Let's see. I have no idea what to type. What actually drove me to open this blog? Could it be because i enjoy reading other people's blogs? or could I actually have so many things to talk about but I've been keeping them to myself?

To those of you who don't know me, I am Alif. I am an IT Support Engineer who doesn't know much about IT cum wedding planner cum loser. That's all you need to know about me, for now. You will get more info on me as you progress reading my blog. I hope.

And now, with the holy phrase Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I officiate the launching of this blogsite. Thanks!

p/s: expect a lot of grammatical errors. and spelling too. enjoy!


Inty Winty said...

Yay yay! Alif blogs! Yay yay!

p/s : I do not condone grammatical & spelling errors lah. eh, betul kan ayat aku?

aliffazli said...

muahahha.. right. ntah la. ahahhaa.. thanks for being the first loser.. erk i mean visitor!

i hate stupid smart aleck said...

oi oi! tgh syok2 baca tetibe kuar 'im a loser'. apedaa..