Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm late!!

no i'm not pregnant. lol.

last night, went to the airport to send off a dear friend who will be working in Dubai. His flight was at 4am and we reached the airport at about 1am. Said our goodbyes, etc, got home at about 4am. At the airport, i had set the alarm on my mobile to wake me up at 630am (for work, etc). So as soon as i got home, i went straight to bed.

guess what, I woke up at 918am!!! did i rush? NO. ha ha! Called up my colleague and told him i'm going to be a bit late. showered, had breakfast, drove off and reached the office by 1015am.

later after work going to stop over at the fresh flower shop, to get some roses and etc for the hand bouquet and the sirih junjung...

la la la la la

it's a beautiful dayyy!!


rawsktar said...

sayang..sori..tapi u bz dgn ur weddings and such..i boring dok know i luv u so much..rite???

XOXOXO (lg banyak dr miss QS);
Mel c's only fan (wtf??!!)

rawsktar said... i yg baru ada dah..i pun ada blogspot la sayang..

Inty Winty said...

sukahati kau jek ye. no wonder lah your company's shutting down. besok kau pegi dgn sapa babe?