Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Did i really cry?

1) When i was doing my Matriculation, my class and i did a pantomine (i hope i get that right, it's where the voices are all recorded, and we mime on stage... u know... ?...). I was the main 'actor'. My dearest friend (Ms QS) has been telling everyone how i sucked at it. LOL. (in a way, i do agree with her... heheh...)

2) During her wedding (solemnisation ceremony) in Johore, i had the photographer shot me posing as though i was crying as soon as the witnesses made the marriage official.

What has this two issues got in common?

I had just received a call from Ms QS, asking whether i was really crying in the picture. She called to make sure because her hubby and the photographer are saying that i was really crying. So what does that say?...

I CAN ACT! haha!

so it's official! I am funny and I can act! What else?!!? I need to include 'em in my resume!!! hahahaha!!!!!!!!! HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHA!

p/s: it's fun to have a post on you, as you are one of the *counts* 3 people that i know who actually visits and reads my blog.

p/s/s: yes, the 3 people includes you CS.

p/s/s/s: and yes, the other 2 people knows about you too. *grin*

good nite!


Inty Winty said...

I know you didn't cry. U didn't fool me, babe. Hehe. U fooled just Rozek & Zufri. Yelah, diorang tu memang naive.

THE best actress.
Di mana bulan selalu retak.

Fitri Hamzah said...
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